Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Only Book

If you were told that you could save just one book for future generations, which book would you choose and why?
One book that I would save would be Tears of a Tiger. I read this book in my freshman year English class and it moved me. Tears of a Tiger is about high school students celebrating a victory after a basketball game. There is drinking and driving involved. Four guy friends are in the car together while only one friend did not drink, he was not the one who was driving. The boys crashed into a wall and three of the four got out ok. The boy who wasn’t drinking was trapped inside the car, although his friends tried to free him, he burned to death after the gas tank exploded. Andy the boy who was driving the vehicle blames his self for the death of his friend. He cannot no get him out of his mind; he is losing sight of his future and does not know if he will live or die. I believe this book should be read in all high schools, because it is very realistic and shows the effects of drinking and driving. It may be a sad story to read but I believe all high school students can relate to this story.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very touching book. I want to read this know, this sounds like such a sad book. I agree you should save this for future generations.
