Friday, September 17, 2010

LIfe is a Highway

I choose “Life is a Highway” by: Rascal Flats for my song selection because for so long it was mine and my ex’s song. This was our song because it was in the first movie we watched together (Cars the movie). Not only was that our song because of the movie, but of the meaning behind the music. If you have never truely listened to the lyrics of “Life is a Highway” you should take the time to. The words are very moving, and can have a different meaning to each individual. “Sometimes you bend, sometime you stand” is my favorite line/verse within the song. Most people can say that they have had a moment in their lives where they have had to make the choice to stand strong or bend in their ways.

The 5 elements of the Rhetorical Situations
1.       Purpose: To entertain the listeners and also to have the audience explore their emotions, and really listen to the song.
2.       Audience: I feel like this song can and does appeal to all ages, genders, and races. The movie Cars helped promote the song, which lead to all types of people listening to the song.
3.       Genre: Song
4.       Stance: The song is a positive outlook on life. Yes life has its up’s and downs, twist and turns, just life the roads we drive on in our everyday life.
5.       Media/Design: The song is coming from a CD, and or from the movie Cars

Monday, September 13, 2010


My life is dance. I have been taking dance classes since I was 5 years old. My high school didn't have a dance team but we did have a kick line! I joined the team to later become an officer and 1st lt. for my junior and senior year. I have been dancing competitive for 7 years. Last year was my favorite year dancing competitive, my team and I went to state nationals. At state we received third place in pom, second place with our jazz routine and first place in hip hop. It was a very exciting year for the team. It was a great way to end my senior year.

I am very excited to continue on with dancing career at college. I am now on the Emerald Jazz dance team and am so happy to start the upcoming season. This past weekend we had our first event at the women's Volleyball game. Although our team lost I had a really good time cheering and dancing. Even though the team takes a lot of time out of my schedule I think it is worth it. We have a group of very talented girls on the team. We all have our strengths and weaknesses but when we dance we dance as a unit.